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AIA (Automotive Innovation Awards)
Every year since 2006, ATA (Associazione Tecnica dell'Automobile) is nominating three Automotive Innovation Awards:


The AIA (Automotive Innovation Awards) honour outstanding Italian contributions to technical and scientific innovation in the automotive field.

Every year since 2006, ATA (Associazione Tecnica dell'Automobile) is nominating three Automotive Innovation Awards:

  • Best Italian Innovation of Product / Process (by call for nominations)
  • Best conference presentation and/or best technical article published in "Ingegneria dell'Autoveicolo" review
  • Best degree thesis in the framework of ATA University Programme

Moreover Special Awards are created for the university student teams, that participate in Formula ATA events (Formula SAE Italy and Formula Electric and Hybrid Italy). 


The awards are given directly to the winner during the most important ATA events.

The selection of award winning entries will be selected by an independent panel of experts during a non public selection procedure. The jury decides with bare majority. The judges' decision is final.


The results of each award will be made known on the ATA website.

ATA reserves the right to not assign one or more prizes in a given category in the event that all candidates fail to meet minimal standards of quality or relevance.